Passed out at walmart. No one knows whats wrong. Babys okay


Hey all. So i passed out literally blacked out at walmart...ended up in the hospital and my brain and blood levels and sugar all was good. No one actually knows what happened. But i was wondering if anyone else has literally passsed out suring pregnant. Im 11 weeks pregnant. And this is my 2nd oregnancy but the first was lost early to a MC.

Im 11 weeks and my baby is very good. Heart beat got heard yesterday for the first time at 145 beats <3

Im so in love qnd i dont even know thr sex yet. But i was just wodnering idmf anyone else has experienced this and what was the cause?

And what are some tips to maybe stop it from happening again?

They told me it could be my bosy reacting to thr baby hormones surging through my body but idk.

My head still feels fuzzy and heavy today.