But I am super scared because my lines are very faint. My miscarriage was 6 weeks ago, Saturday will be 7 weeks since but I'm just really nervous because I feel like my tests should be darker... I am guessing I'm in early 4 weeks range but not sure since I never started my period after my m/c
Anyone else feel this way or know how to ease my anxiety from  this...? I want to be excited but I don't want to get my heart broken.
My m/c was a blighted ovum...
My body does thing very naturally so I'm hoping this time everything goes well and sticks and the blighted ovum was just a fluke...🙏🏽
Here are my tests
This is from Monday night
This was Tuesday around 3:00
These two are my morning pee.
I feel like I'm peeing more frequently though... without even having anything to drink...
I really just wish I knew how far along I was...