early symptoms or am I just being overly zealous?

Hey everyone. AF is due 3/20 and I am 9 DPO on day 6 & 7 DPO I was running a fever and just generally exhausted and had no other symptoms, on 7 DPO I went to take an herbal supplement that I take daily for anxiety and almost puked because the smell was horrible. I have been taking this medicine for a month now and had never had this reaction to it. My sense of smell seems to be heightened even more now, the last couple of days everything seems to taste weird, I love sweet tea and went to drink some and instantly dumped it out because it tasted horrible, today I get a chocolate peanut butter milkshake and I can't even drink it because of how horrible it tastes to me. Should I test now, could these be early signs, or am I just being over zealous because I want to be pregnant?