Found porn on his phone... ughh

How can you get over your bf watching porn.... Now ladies I'm very pretty, but my axiexty an depression gets the best of me. One day my phone died, I wanted to finish looking at dog names, anyways when I typed "p" a porn site showed up and I flipped out. I was about to leave and everything because I'm the type of girl who loves to have sex. Whenever he wants it he gets it.. Now that morning I had to be at work at 6. I woke up before my alarm when off an scooted back up to him putting my ass on him. He was already kinda hard after I did that so I turned over an started kissing his neck an stuff. He kinda just still laid there. I knew he was still tired an all but we've done it like that before, early morning sex is so good. :p But apparently after I left for work he looked it up.. Never said anything or acted any different. We had arguments after arguments cuz I was in such a pissed off mood after that happened. I was like really, I was trying to have sex with you an you just laid there then wanna watch porn after I leave for work. It just made me feel betrayed, idk why but it just did. It made me embarrassed an more insecure than I already am. He apologized an everything and told me it was the first time in a very long time. He had no excuse for it really. But still he could've got some from his girlfriend instead of watching a video. How can I get over that after it made me feel that way? Please don't judge and leave your negative thoughts somewhere else. Btw we have a great relationship other than this incident.