TEEN MOMS! How did you find out you were pregnant!

Lluvia • Future mommy to a baby girl.👶🏽💕
Tell us how you found out you were pregnant and how you felt! I remember when I was first thinking that I might be pregnant, I was freaked out. I was at a cheer competition when I bought some tests, and those came out negative and I was like okay. So a few weeks later, out of curiosity, I bought some more.... and at first the first line came up so I thought it was negative and then I let it sit for a while and then a second line came up! *dramatic music * I really didn't know how to react, I just kinda laughed😂😂😂 then I called my boyfriend and he was so happy! Told my mom a week later. I'm Graduating high school in May and I'm due in August, so college will have to wait until spring, and I'm very much ok with that.☺️💕