Looking for reassurance.. / just venting/whining πŸ™„πŸ™„


This nausea is not just physically horrendous, but also mentally.. I'm having major issues getting motivated to do my job - I teach ballroom dancing so I'm moving and on my feel a lot in close proximity to my student (s).

I've had the absolute worst nausea (no vomiting - but I've dry heaved) and zero energy. I'm usually so pumped to do my job, and just things in general.

I've been trying to eat and keep hydrated, but boy, is it hard. I've tried ginger, tea, crackers, ginger ale, organic lozenges that are supposed to help, soda water, rice, soup... nothing settles well, I never feel satisfied, and all I want to do I'd lie in bed. This is so not like me... I'm beginning to actually get frustrated!

I'm about 8 weeks +2 and I'm so grateful because it means everything is progressing as it should. I just need to be able to go to work! Please tell me it's going to go away soon! I feel like such a wuss!