I'm freaking out: update

Update :: My normal BP is 110-120/60-70 resting. Goes up when walking/ dehydrated 
So I was told at my 1st appointment a month ago. I had a high blood pressure. 140/70 
.... that's not high. But my midwife wanted to watch it. 
So it's 144/72 at this appointment.... 
I'm meeting with allergy and asthma specialist - to see if a baby aspirin will cause an inflammatory response with my asthma and allergies, and to see if my allergies and asthma is well controlled because of chronic asthma. Midwife wants me on baby aspirin for my "high blood pressure" 
I feel hopeless. Now I have to do a 24 hour pee catch to make sure my kidneys are working, and eliminate a potential problem. 
Baby is fine. Heart beat is good 164bpm. Baby is healthy, but worried I'm not okay. Anyone else face the same issue ??