FTM needs some help!

So I am a FTM who works full time and my son is 10 weeks old. While I work, my husband my mother in law or my mom is watching my son. I do my very best to wake my son up at or around the same time everyday so I can start the day off with consistency. But once I leave it's hard to see any kind of patterns emerge as far as when he's hungry and sleeping during the day. Once I get home until bedtime it's like we're back on track and bedtime falls right around the same time every night with out bedtime routine. 
My question is it is possible to even see a routine emerge from baby when 3 different people are watching him? We are trying to enforce eat play sleep, but each person does different things as far as activities with him, where they have him sleeping. 
I get anxious that my son won't make a schedule naturally and I need to create one, but with his naps and feedings all over the place, I won't know how to even start. 
Any one have any advice?