Being a mom taught me..

Alyxandrea • 1716 32017 ❤️
Being a mom taught me..
Pear juice makes babies poop everything they've ever eaten out. 
If you react when's baby falls, they will more than likely only react because you did. 
Letting your baby cry it out is okay, and not letting your baby cry it out is okay.
Babies sleep a lot but it feels like they don't.
Babies are extremely curious about every single thing in the whole world.
Babies learn FAST.
They like to repeat words they aren't supposed to rather than words they are. 
Some babies walk at 10 months and some walk at 14 months.
Babies can be extremely picky.
Babies like to kick you in the face if you let them sleep with you. 
There will be dirty diapers, a BILLION dirty diapers. 
It's okay to be away from your baby for a little bit, everyone needs a break at some point.
Weaning is HARRD.
You may lose all or most of your friends. 
People will want to hold your baby ALL the time, and it's normal to feel really sad about that. (Even if you really wanted a break anyway)
Babies don't have to wear clothes 24/7. 
If a baby gets a rash, it's not JUST because you didn't change their diaper fast enough. There are a bunch of different reasons for rashes. 
You don't have to keep your eye on your baby 24/7. Just look at em every few mins, and keep your ears open.
It's TOTALLY OKAY to be an "overprotective mother" and it's TOTALLY OKAY to be a laid back mother. As long as your baby is safe. It's totally NOT okay to judge others for being different. 
It is O K A Y to lose your patience! Just step away for a minute or two, breathe, and come back. Ask for help, think of another way to do things. BREATHE. 
Motherhood is the most beautiful thing I've ever experienced. I'm so happy to be learning and I can't wait to learn what motherhood is like with 2 boys. I'm only 17, 39 wks & 3 days pregnant with #2, but I'm so ready. ♥️
(I got pregnant on birth control BOTH times. One just the pills, and the other Mirena IUD. I'm also in a completely stable relationship with my babies father and we are 110% capable of taking care of our babies without help. (; )