boy or girl

So tomorrow at the very end of the day(6pm) we will find out what we're having. But I don't wanna know I wanna wait. My first wAs a surprise but for different reasons. This time I just don't wanna know till the baby comes just in case I don't get my princess. I really want a girl this time I can have the rest boys I don't care but I really need a girl. My heart is crying for her. My son isn't a mom as boy no more doesn't want me to hold him he just wants to play out side and be with his step dad and step brother. I get jealous lol n lonely. I have two step daughters but it's not the same they act like boys to lol there mom doesn't really do the whole pretty girl thing. I want a pretty princess, I wanna teach her how to be a lady, I want a mini me. I know I will love my baby no matter what but if it's a boy ugh I'm going to be thinking about my pink stuff the whole time I rather get the surprise again. I feel bad but I think people ask what do you want a boy or girl for a reason and I honestly say GIRL lol every time. O n the first child I wanted a boy lol a mommy boy and I got him so hopefully it works again!!