Hopeful to sleep. Advice?

Mindy • So excited to have our first. A little boy in February!
Getting used to a new baby's sleeping patterns are extremely difficult. My son is a week old and I'm feeling so under rested my body and mind can't really do much. I sleep whenever baby sleeps to try to get caught up but I always seem to nod off at the weirdest times. He was having such a good day and I was hopeful for a little more sleep then I have been untill my baby projectile vomited all over me! :( that's when I lost it emotionally and just balled my eyes out knowing I wasn't getting sleep any time soon. Breastfeeding is making it hard as well with being the only one who can feed him at the moment. (Haven't gotten a pump yet). Anyone have advice on how to make sure my body is getting enough sleep so I don't go insane????