Help! I need advice!

Katie • Mother to Logan 6 and growing baby White one day at a time 💛👶🏻💫
So today I woke up feeling absolutely horrendous but not in the usual way. I had overwhelming nausea, dizziness and pain (tmi alert 🚨) in my vagina. These symptoms have worsened throughout the day and I just had a 'feeling' that something was wrong so I called my doctor who examined me internally as well as my stomach but when she tried to do the internal exam I was in so much pain she could barely put a finger in. She then referred me to my local Early pregnancy unit (I'm 6w1d) but the earliest they can see me for a scan is Wednesday, nearly a week away! I'm panicking and I need to hear from you. Has anyone else experienced any feelings like this, particularly the pain in the vagina? It feels like I've been kicked up there and am now getting stabbed. This is a much wanted baby and im really scared that something is wrong.