Strict Mom + Birth Control

okay so.
I'm 16, gonna be 17 in a week. A month ago I lost my virginity and started becoming sexually active with my boyfriend (with whom I've been in a loving healthy relationship for over a year). We decided that it was stupid to keep doing this without me being on some form of birth control. I remember my mom saying that if I ever felt like I wanted to be on BC that all I had to do was just talk to her and she would understand and help. 
WRONG. holy shit. My bf and I talked to her and she said that she appreciated us being honest with her but she needed time to process (understandable).
But days pass and she starts treating me like a completely different person, like she can't trust me. I ask her about this and we get into a long discussion where she says things like "you're a child trying to make adult decisions and it's not okay" "what did you expect me to just be supportive and give you BC?" "having to sneak around to have sex ruins the beautiful act and is mentally damaging (???)"
What do I do? I know I can get BC pills from like planned parenthood but I was hoping to use the nuvaring, not the pill. And I just really wanted my mom to not necessarily be super supportive, but I wanted her to at least listen to me and try to understand and help. She's basically acting like the human version of Abstinence Only Sex-Ed and it's really bothering me. Pls help 😞😞