Keylee • Been trying for almost a year! 5 miscarriages that we have noticed. Doctors think there were more... Praying so hard for our next miracle(s). Our Baby A or O was lost at 9w2d on Nov.4th,2016

first off I would like to say this is for everyone trying to have a baby and its not working out right now... I have miscarried 6 times and I'm 19 years old. My last two were in a span of 4 months. Its been a horrible struggle with miscarriages and doctors and blood work... Lots and lots of blood work... But the past THREE times I have conceived, I have been taking a few vitamins that I think have helped me get pregnant. I've also told 2 friends about it and each have gotten pregnant within 2 months :)

The vitamins you'll need are

1 fish oil pill ( tastes nasty lol )

2 vitamin C tablets ( tastes sour )

1 (900mg) folic acid tablet

1 prenatal vitamin.

I can't guarantee it will work. But I took them for 3 days not even in my fertile window and I got my positive test this morning and evening... ( had to take two :) ) I really hope this helps some of you out there who are trying! I find out if I'm for sure pregnant in the next few days. I'll update soon. Sticky baby dust to you all <3