pcos (could I be pregnant?)

All us pcos cysters are all too aware that becoming pregnant with this god awful disease is a nightmare. 
I've been feeling nauseous, extremely tired, been having mood swings, and sore boobs for the past month. I keep taking pregnancy tests and they're all negative. And I keep thinking that I see a very very faint line, but nothing ever obvious. 
My tummy has been getting rounder and rounder. And it's honestly all of the sudden. I had been losing inches the previous month. I also got my period earlier this week, but it only lasted four days instead of the five that it has ALWAYS lasted before. I haven't had a cycle every month, but it has always been five days. 😕
How many of you mamas had a surprise pregnancy late in the game due to false negatives. And how many of you had a phantom pregnancy that turned out to be no baby at all. 
Obviously I'm going  to schedule a doctors appointment. That's a given. But before my appointment can I get some advise from people that have actually experienced this disease first hand. It's different than talking to a doctor about it. 
TIA ☺️