period scares🤷‍♀️

I was in class today and I suddenly remembered that my period was due..I sat counting the days since my last period, reassuring myself that it couldn't really be due and I was just worrying...until i suddenly felt a little trickle, well my lord I have never been as scared, in my class the chairs are white and we're not allowed to go to the bathroom during lesson, so for a full hour I sat on the edge of the chair praying to the lord Jesus that my uterus would not release a flood of crimson that would drench me and everything around soon as the bell went I ran to the toilet, with my legs almost crossed, I ripped down my jeans, only to find, nothing. Absolutely nothing, pure dryness. Why do periods do this? I swear my uterus was laughing at me. Any one else had any period scares 🤷‍♀️😂😂