Not pregnant wtf???

C💕 • Mother of 3 beautiful babies

Hey girls .. I want to know if any of ya has been through this before?

Ok so I started on glow to track my period because ever since I got the IUD removed last year its been all over the place ...

My last period was on February 10_14 and my ovulation was on the 24th...

I was supposed to get my period this month (March)on the 10_14 again ..

so the 10 is here no period ok didn't think nothing of it period just because of my past periods coming whenever. I kinda had it figured out I would get my period Every month but not always on the same day or even near the same week of my period but I would get .... Sometimes early sometimes late. .. anywho comes the 14 and still no period I'm now 7 days late according to all 3 of my <a href="">period apps</a>.. I'm now a few days from when I suppose to be ovulating and still haven't gotten no signs what so ever of a period... I been super tired , emotional, not really having an appetite, because I wanna throw up every I eat .. I took a preggo test and it's negative ...IM 7 DAYS LATE!! Never been more then 2 days late ... What's going on?