I've made my decision

LaToya • Boy mom x3💙
After weeks of waiting for a turn around, I was faced with one of the hardest decisions I've ever had to make in my life. The doctor told me that what would have been my second bundle of joy, stopped growing at 6 1/2 weeks. I tried holding on as long as I could for some sort of miracle but made the painful mistake yesterday to have my pregnancy medically terminated with the use of cytotec. I feel so many different emotions; sad, heartbroken, overwhelmed, confused and the list goes on. I've never imagined dealing with something like this. Finding love for a second time, getting engaged and being in a far better place in life than I have been in a long time, this baby seemed to have come at the perfect time. I know that time heals all wounds and I'll get over this in due time but today it hurts😔