cycle after ectopic resolution

I was treated for an ectopic with methotrexate right before thanksgiving.  My hcg levels where going down slowly so they gave me another dose the weekend before Christmas.  I tested weekly until my HCG reached 2 on 1/17.  My period started 1/19.  My husband and I decided to avoid pregnancy for a full cycle because we wanted a break from ttc.  However, we did have sex one time at the tail end of my period.  I am now 2 days late and for over a week have had PMSy sorts of feelings as well as a tugging feeling in my uterus area.
My question is: has anyone experienced differing cycle lengths or ongoing odd symptoms in their cycles following the resolution of an ectopic with methotrexate?
I took a pregnancy test just in case, but I've only ever been able to get pregnant with drugs in the past and I tend to ovulate rather late in my cycle.  
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I got my period about two weeks after methotrexate. My hcg levels went down immediately and all my cycles have been pretty regular since. That was in October. Still no luck yet with trying to conceive again.


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I had surgery for a ruptured ectopic and got my period 3 weeks later 


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I had a cycle right after my D&C and then didn't have another one for 49 days. 


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I had surgery for my ectopic rather then the drug but I do think it's very possible that it will affect your cycle. I had 2 very irregular cycles before I finally normalled out