Help! Bad Sleep Habits


We're pretty much doing everything wrong when it comes to sleep and I need help with ideas to reverse his habits. My LO is about 11 weeks and I go back to work after 12 so I really need to fix this all ASAP! Basically, I need him to sleep by himself.

The main problem is that when he gets very upset he gets SUPER hot, sweaty and red, crying real tears and choking on his breath between wails. It's pretty damn impossible for me to let him cry things out... I need another option.

He sleeps with me on the couch either in my arms or across my chest/belly. He won't tolerate sleep off of a body for longer than 5 minutes so I let this continue so I could get some sleep. He wakes up as soon as I try to put him next to bed, let alone in the cosleeper I bought. I have transferred him to my spouses chest a few times but that's basically just locking him down instead of me.

When I swaddle him he screams through the actual process, then calms down for a few resigned minutes. Then when he can't move how he wants he screams and sweats through the fabric. It's really hard to do that to him. The 3 times I have gotten him to sleep alone his startle reflex has him flailing his arms and legs and he'll wake himself up after a very short time.

He hates his carseat, tolerates his swing and fidgets on his playmat... the longest he goes in/on anything is 10 minutes and then I have to cool and console him for 20 minutes after. They frustrate him awake instead of soothing him to sleep.

Baby wearing has worked a few times and often I walk and bounce him around for hours at night until he passes out in my arms. Then if I go to lay him down, he wakes up super alert. So I started just sitting on the couch and nursing him back to sleep.

He's an active sleeper in that he likes to stretch and readjust during the night. If I don't cuddle and pAt him through his adjustments he completely wakes up and cries. I do have a playlist that helps him stay asleep because a noise in silence will startle him awake.

So... I know it's awful and I've made mistakes. I was just so tired! And I'm tired of being tired and I definitely can't go back to work with the way things are. Please help me!

-A First Time Mom