Believing in Myself

My dad basically told me that he doesn't think I would be able to make it through navy boot camp after I told him that I want to go into the navy...I started working out, my goal is to be able to run 1.5 miles in 12 minutes or less, do 50 push ups in 2 minutes, and 80 sit ups in 2 minutes by high school graduation, which is like June 24, 2017 or something like that for's been 3 days into my routine and I am a little sore, but I know it will totally be worth it...I'm so excited 😁 The fact that I know that I'm capable of doing it is helping me push myself, but the idea that someone would disagree with that helps just as much because of how much I'd love to prove him wrong...In the end, this is for I can prove to myself that I can do it....but seeing the look on his face would just be priceless
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Posted at
You can definitely do it. Just don't stop trying!


Posted at
You go girl! Do it for you! Prove him wrong! 


Posted at
Make him eat his words!!


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I'm really proud of this organization that I have going on here lol


Lededra D • Mar 20, 2017
you go girl.


Posted at
You can do it. I'm sure he'll be just as proud knowing that you have the will power to push through anything.


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Bit of an update....I already beat the goal I set for my mile that I wanted to beat by 4/7....ran a mile in 9:25 two days that goal is down to 8:30....working on getting up to 2 miles now though....ran a mile and a half today....feeling great 😁