Hey ladies! 
I'm stepping out of my comfort zone and starting a sort of advice column type of thing. Basically, if you want advice, a pep talk, anything of that sort, you send me an email and I respond to the best of my ability. I feel like I want that so much but that's not always available to me that I would love to be that for other young ladies who are looking for it! Is this a cheesy idea! I would also be sharing some of the questions I get and the answers I gave as well, so that in case anyone else in the community of ladies who follow me was dealing with the same thing, they benefit from it as well.  Essentially, trying to start a community (sort of like this) of young ladies who pretty much share advice of a general nature and maybe if my audience grew I would do videos and stuff. What do you ladies think?! I just started an instsgram and Facebook page tonight and I'm so nervous that people will think "wtf is she doing...?" And not even participate or even like it. Looking forward to your input!