heeeelp! swaddlers vs cruisers

Ok. So. My kiddo has been in Swaddlers since birth and, as long as she isn't at the tail end of outgrowing her size, we haven't had any leak or fit issues.
She's about to go into a size 3 (3.5 months, 14lbs, not mobile... almost rolling). My mom bought her a box of Pampers Cruisers by mistake, but are they comparable?
Is one more absorbent/less leak issues than the other? The Swaddlers has a mesh, which I imagine keeps her dryer... and the Cruisers doesn't, but is there really any difference? Other than a more elastic waist on the Cruisers? 
Also, the Swaddlers size 2 seems nearly identical to the Cruisers size 3... maybe just a half inch longer. Is that normal or because they're different styles?
Please help! Diapers confuse the hell out of me.