Limits on "My house, my rules"?

Ok I just want to know what you think is okay when you still live in your parents house. Can they control what you do to your body? Piercings, tattoos? Or do you think it should only be setting curfews, who is allowed in the house? Or both? When would you draw the line? For example, mother telling you you cannot get something pierced. (This is all for people living at home over the age of 18). I am 19 and my mom controls the piercings, tattoos i get, ect. I respect her rules and do not get the piercings or tats, but i personally think you cant control others bodys. And Im starting to get very salty with her telling me no. Just because my body isnt really her business and all. All opinions welcome. I will, in no way, disrespect my mother and go behind her back for any of these body modifications. I am frustrated, but respect her household and the rules. 

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