am I wrong??

So me and my boyfriend have been been together for years now & we've had our fair share of issues. He cheated a lot & so we broke up & after awhile got back together now two years later & he seems like he's changed or so I thought. I saw messages of him talking to two of his exs ( that he cheated on me with ) one was in November while I was away. It wasn't really anything bad (not that I could see bc one was on Snapchat). But the thing is every time I try to talk to him about how he feels he doesn't tell me bc "he hates talking" but he can talk about his feelings & issues to a different girl ?? So anyways. Recently a new girl started at his job (he works at a gym) every time I go in to workout they're always laughing & talking. He's complemented her & it actually makes me so mad bc of past issues. How do I go about this ?? Am I wrong for being so mad/jealous???  Shouldn't I trust him again by now ???