10 days late... HELP!!!!

Hi guys, sooooo when me and my boyfriend started having sex, we were careless. My paranoia of pregnancy would get the better of me within those months, but nonetheless my period still came. Recently, we have started to practice safe sex a lot more often, because we weren't ready for children. Only last month, did my period start coming late. The first time I came on was Feb. 5 (original date would have been Feb. 1). I was four days late that time. Now, we've started using protection throughout the month, only having unprotected sex a few times. I've recently had unprotected sex, because he just forgot to bring a condom, and we were so ready to go. We had protected sex last night as well. (granted, I'm still waiting for my period to come) Aunt Flo was supposed to come on Mar. 9, but still hasn't showed up. I've been having period symptoms like crazy, but she's been MIA for a while now. I've noticed white discharge (the white, thick kind) and a little discolored discharge, I'm not sure if I remember seeing any light pink, or dark brown spotting during that time, and if I did it was very little, almost nonexistent. I need you guys' advice. (I haven't felt any morning sickness, repulsion to certain smells and tastes, sore breasts, nothing in that sense.) What should I do? I'm contemplating on whether I should take a test to be sure, or to wait it out. Thank you in advance for taking the time out to read this. I greatly appreciate it!