Anxiety? Please respond

So earlier in the week I had one of those moments that a lot of people have where they breathe in and their chest feels tight and it's like that and lasts for about a minute. Well ever since I couldn't stop thinking about it even though I knew it was common and happens to people all the time. I feel like ever since I've been worrying about it so bad that I've been giving myself bad anxiety. My grandad had a heart attack recently and one of my Drama teacher's just had to have open heart surgery recently too and I feel like that is the reason I've been so worried. One day I felt like the top left side of my chest hurt. It wasn't like a sharp pain, just occasional pain. And at one point I was thinking about it so much I got lightheaded and my heart was racing fast. The next day I felt perfectly fine, I didn't think about it at all. No pain or anything. Well yesterday I felt a small pain again and I was at the movie theater and it started freaking me out and my heart sped up really fast and I got light headed again like I was gonna pass out. I kept thinking about it over and over and I felt like I was focusing on it so much that I kept feeling a small pain and discomfort in my chest. Ever since I feel like I've had bad anxiety. Today I feel so scared and I have so much fear like something bad is going to happen and I feel so hyper vigilant I don't know how to make it stop cause I keep overthinking. I keep feeling a weird pain in the same spot of my chest occasionally. And when I think about it a lot it my heart races. Whenever I go to bed and wake up I feel perfectly fine cause I feel relaxed. Lately I also have trouble sleeping cause I keep thinking about it.  I feel like I just keep thinking about my grandad and teacher and it's what's worrying me so bad. Someone told me they think it's anxiety attacks. Is that what it is? If so, how can I make it stop?