share your most embarrassing stories!

So my bf was throwing a house party and his friends were there. I don't get along with girls so I went to the group of guys and inserted myself into the conversation which is normal for me so there was nothing weird, just a normal night. I was holding my bfs hand 
when he randomly kissed my neck and started rubbing my hip bones (knowing that there my turn on spot) under my shirt. I got really horny from it. I knew I was wet but I didn't know how bad it was. My bf left to get another beer. When he came back he grabbed my ass and I guess he felt the wetness near my vag. He whispered in my ear and told me to go change my tampon. I asked him to get me another Jack and Coke and discretely check for a stain. When he came back his friends randomly stopped talking and they all started giving me weird looks and smirking at my bf. I asked what was going on and my bf said you're not on your period are you. I'm close with all his friends but I was still a little embarrassed and I said no why and his friend chimed in and said how wet is he making you right now. I looked down to see for a stain and I was fine so I guess he told his friends. He made it up to me by taking me on the most amazing date of my life so we're fine now. Just thought I share my embarrassing story. Leave yours below.