TTC after Mirena, somewhat irregular cycles... when to see a doctor?

I had the mirena IUD for almost 7 years (one for 2 1/2 years, had it removed and another put in the same day and had that one for 4 years).. I got it removed permanently on 8/23/16 and my husband and I have been TTC ever since, prenatals, bd'ing, tracking cycles, and 2 months of opk's with no luck at all. I have one kid from a previous relationship so #2 for me but this would be #1 for him. My cycles have been anywhere from 30-38 days since getting the mirena removed. Just got af today and I feel so crummy because he wants a child (and so do I) so bad. I'm 28 and he's 30. I know usually a doctor won't start looking into things until a year if you're under 35 but has anyone had experience with this? Should we wait a full year or is the irregular cycles an issue that would be worth seeking medical attention sooner?