overly dramatic before my period...

Okay ladies, my period is scheduled to start in 4 days, and I been crying the last hour and a half because I don't talk to my bf that much(we have a long distance relationship) so he lost his phone and all that and his friends just post videos and pictures of them drinking and I'm just like... why? can't you take 5 minutes to even call or text and ask how I'm doing.... its been like this for the past 2 weeks like he called me last weekend we texted then this weekend came and he called friday we talked a little, then he called me yesterday but I couldn't answer if my phone was inside & I was outside and he was a drunk he tried to say that its my fault for not having my phone by my side... & I feel like I'm just overracting bc I get emotional before my period but I honestly feel like I'm not getting alot of attention, like I should be or like I'm used to getting his messages and calls you know ☹️ has this happened to any of you??