please tell me this isn't in my head...

Claire 💜 Loving husband 🦋 6 angels 👼🏻
Ladies I need to know I am not going crazy!!! I have had symptoms for over a week with nausea, bloating, stomach 'turning', stomach twinges, indegestion, back ache, very watery white cm that actually has a pink tint when wiped on tissue (sorry tmi), I have mega hot flushes and my boobs are only sore when poked around 😐 on top of this last week I had one spot of blood on tissue when I wiped literally one small spot and nothing since....! I am due AF in 4 days and had BFN today...
Do you ever just feel pregnant as this is abit of a last chance saloon for me before I have to start the pill following a  loss of baby a few months ago (my partner can't go through it again)...
Can anything else cause these symptoms as I have never been like this before AF??