What could be wrong?

Tiegan • 18 • Welsh • Jorge ♡ 10/01/2016 •

My results for the STD check I had last week came back negative (knew it would). So I'm gonna take my break week at the end of this pack and hopefully the random light bleeding/spotting will stop. If not I'll have to go back to the clinic to get seen after my 5 week training period is up (it's 9-5 Monday to Friday and my clinic is only open in the mornings 9 til 12 Monday to Friday) I can't take time off my training for appointments unless it's urgent.

I'm on the pill (been on it over a year with no issues) and I've had tons of pregnancy tests from the doctors visits before the clinic and at the clinic and all came back negative so I'm definitely not pregnant.

Is there anything else you girls could suggest that could stop the bleeding?