He's testing my patience 🙃

ashley • Ashley. 28. Mommy to Aubree. 💗 Married to my best friend. 💕
I'll start from the beginning and make it short and sweet. On the 10th of March I became in a relationship with this guy. My friend had set us up. Before that he used to call and text all the time, mostly call. During our date he asked me out and then we kissed. Well now after all that he's been distant and confusing. Last week I had called him to meet up on the 17th which was last Friday to talk about the mixed signals he's been giving me. I called him back saying I couldn't make it since my friend and her husband were arguing, he had kicked her out so apparently I had to go too. I was staying with them since my boyfriend is closer to them considering he lives about an hour away from them. I called the next day and he's been ignoring me. Could he be pissed? He sounded pretty chill on the phone. I just have a gut feeling to pursue this to talk to him so I can get clarity to cope then best be on my way to move on. I know the majority of people are going to say "just don't give him the time of day". I know I shouldn't yet my mind is telling me I need to do this. Have any of you been in this type of situation? Idk if it's just because he was my first kiss or what the fuck.Â