Cycles Post MC

I had a miscarriage back in December. My first pregnancy, so I have nothing to compare it to. AF came 4 weeks and a few days afterwards. My cycle wasn't very much out of the ordinary. Maybe only a day or so shorter than normal. We TTC this month and I tracked OPK results and tried temping, though I really only got that down in the last week to 10 days. I used Clearblue Advanced Digital tests and got a positive result on CD 16. I kept testing after I got the positive result, just because, and I ended up getting another positive result in CD 23. Right around CD 21-22 I was feeling bloated, lots of camping on my lower left side, generally uncomfortable and full feeling. AF is due again on the 26th but thinking it may be late if I really did just ovulate recently. Any thoughts or comparable stories? Also, has anyone had cycles where they didn't ovulate post mc? Just looking for others that may be able relate.  Thanks.