Need advice!(Sorry long question)

Okay, so i had my 3rd child 2 weeks ago, i have all boys, my last baby was 10 years ago before my 2 week old, well for almost 6 years i was told that i was unable to have more children, the doctors i saw could not find a reason as to why i wasn't getting pregnant so all they would say was that i was unable to have more baby's, okay well for the longest time (6+years) it hurt to think that i was done, but eventually i came to accept it and be happy with my two boys i did have, so out of nowhere i didn't get my period and took a test and boom, it was positive,i was happy/scared and nine months later here i am with my third child, okay well here is my question, i am undecided on whether or not i want to tie my tubes, i didn't plan on having this baby but would not want it any other way now that god has blessed me with him, but my thing is, now that i have him do i want to really tie my tubes or do i want to wait a year or so to see if i want anymore? I am so undecided because for the longest time i didn't think i would ever have to make this decision because i thought i physically wasn't able to have more children, im sorry its such a long explanation i just need some advice. Thank you!