14 weeks with 4th baby vent...because


I am normally a happy, friendly person with insane energy and "pep" Im 28 and have 3 kids... 6, 5 and 1yr and Im married to my best friend ever. Coolest husband. Im happy about this baby. We wanted 4 kids and wanted them spaced out just like this... But daaaaaaaamnnnnnnnn I gotta vent.

Im so tired. I hate everything. I miss food because for some reason im picky all of a sudden and if i eat wrong i feel horrible. I am mooodyyy, never been moody. Its aweful. One minute I love hubby the next I hate him...and If my kids ask me one more question im going to scream. I feel so out of shape and weak and im SWAMPED with housework, even though hubby helps a TON. His 24 hour shifts are killin me and my sex drive is like a roller coaster ride.

Im an indecisive, aggressive, exhausted, disorganized, weak lil momma with insane cravings for super spicy quesadillas.

That is all. NO! Wait...

I miss cold beer... Way too much. Mmmmm blue moon with an orange slice...siiiigh.

Ok im done now.

*go ahead and vent too below. Im down for pity parties tonight... :)