Scheduled C-Section

Has anyone had a scheduled c-section? I'm pregnant with baby #2, due July 2. I had a c-section with my first daughter because she got stuck in the canal and her heart rate started to drop. 
This time around I have a choice. I wanted to do a VBAC but there's a lot of factors working against that:
1. I'm very petite. My body structure was not really made to push kids out the ol natural way. 
2. My doctor is going on vacation July 1 - 9. 😳
3. My first daughter was 6 days past her due date and I don't want to have some doctor I don't know deliver this baby. Plus if I go naturally and have to have a c-section do I really want some random doctor cutting into me?
4. It will be so much easier to schedule and plan for care for my little one now. 
What are other people's thoughts???