So after having a miss miscarriage at 3months pregnant in November I can finally say we have managed to conceive again, a little in shock but know how lucky I am to conceive so soon after... fingers crossed this baby sticks I am very nervous

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Posted at
Congratulations πŸŽ‰πŸΎπŸŽˆπŸŽŠ I hope and pray baby sticks this time as well! Try not to stress much (easier said than done of course but hearing it at the moment helps me stop and breath easy)! It's so crazy how stress can cause so much to happen! Ugh! I wish we didn't stress at all!!! I'm so happy for you take care girl!!!! Remember: Pause and Breath easy! Big deep breaths slowly when you feel a moment of stress! πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€— xoxoxoxoxo (my obgyn had to remind me as well 😳😌) Hoping I get a bfp right behind ya! 


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Antoiniquia β€’ Mar 22, 2017
Your welcome


Charlie β€’ Mar 22, 2017
Thank you 😘


Posted at


Posted at
Thank you so much Hun and I will defo try my hardest not to stress I really want this to work out this time and  I have everything crossed that you do conceive very very soon keep me updated on how your getting along it would really make my day to hear you get the news you are waiting for Xxxxx


Charlie β€’ Mar 22, 2017
Eekk can't wait have my first scan at 8weeks Xx


Ava β€’ Mar 22, 2017
Thanks a bunch!!!! Enjoy those growing ultrasound pics to come!!!! Eeeek!!! πŸ€—πŸ˜†πŸ˜€


Charlie β€’ Mar 22, 2017
Thank you Hun really means a lot, that's it Hun never give up it will happen soon enough me and my partner done the same for the last 4months and it's finally worked... got everything crossed for you, and sending baby dust your way Xxxx


Posted at
That's lovely. Congratulations! We had a 3 month mmc in January and hoping to conceive again soon. #1. Did you do anything differently. Did it take a long time to conceive the first time?


Charlie β€’ Mar 22, 2017
Endometriosis I had so much tissues floating around in my womb it wouldn't stick iv had four ops and things seem to be so much better xxx


Sophie β€’ Mar 22, 2017
7 years? wow. was there a reason?


Charlie β€’ Mar 22, 2017
Good luck and I hope you fall very very soon xxxx


Posted at
Congrats,any symptoms


Charlie β€’ Mar 22, 2017
Thank you, I have slightly tender boobs tingly nipples sleeping a lot in the day bad acne and sometimes feeling sick.... please please let this baby stick xxxx