TTC for 3years at 40s

Abby • 40s and not gonna give up TTC

After all the travelling and being workaholic, we finally decide to have a baby.

Been trying for 3 years and no news.

Every month is a roller coaster knowing we are again unsuccessful.

I was diagnosed with PCOS 10years ago. And My cycle is back to 26-30days with 5 days period every month now since 2011.

I jz started with Vitex 750mg every morning , hopefully it help. 

I have hubby on fertilaid, countboost and motility supplement from Amazon.

Hope it bring us additional hope.

We were on TCM medication on top of vitex and maca supplement.

TCM obviously dont work and waste of money and time. Dont even think of trying TCM.

Anyone going thru the same?😔