Stomach bug or morning sickness?!!? HELP!!!

I have just got over what I think was a stomach bug. About a week before I kept getting waves of nausea only for a few minutes a day then one day I had constant nausea for about 3 days. I couldn't eat as food just didn't sound and smell applealing 🤢 the smell of food would make my stomach turn. Every time I drank something my stomach would do back flips and I'd have to actully make myself sick to get it back up. After I had made myself sick I'd feel better then gradually feel bad again? I then had diariha for a day but I figured that was because I hadn't ate or drank anything for a few days. I then had one day inbetween of feeling fine where I could eat and drink again!? I felt fab! Then the day after I was back in bed feeling soooo sick? Anyone reckon it was a bug or morning sickness ? I feel fine now and I am eating a lot more even though I don't have much off a apitite still ? I can't deicide which it was!!!! Help!!!!😬😬xxxx