My April baby is now a March

Jessica • I am 29 years old, my DH and I have a 9 year old son.
Saturday, March 18, my water broke at 1 pm. I was unaware because it wasn't a big gush, so my husband and I went to the movies. When we got back I was still leaking slightly so we decided to get it checked out. We went in about 5pm and they check and my water was leaking. They admitted us around 8pm, and started antibiotics at 9pm because of group b strep. That had to run for 4 hours so at 1am Pitocin was given, because my water was broken they didn't want to check my cervix too often for fear of introducing bacteria. By 4am they decided to check and I was only at a 3.5-4 so they kept upping my Pitocin. By 7am the baby kept having declarations so they rechecked and I was at a 6. At 8am no matter which position I was in he seemed to not like the contractions and was decelerating every one. I was rechecked as they set up the OR at this point I was an 8. We got to the OR and I was only a 9, we waited one more contraction to see if I was fully dialate or if we were going to have a C-section. I was completely dialiated and we started to push! Four contractions later, Griffin Scott was placed on my chest absolutely perfect. He was delivered at 36 weeks on the dot, 5lbs. 14oz. 18 inches long.