Baby girl is here!

My baby was born March 9th 2017 at 8:34pm weighing in at 6lbs 15oz 19.5inches long. She is amazing. Her birth was anything but normal. We had complication after complication. I planned on having her at a birth center but that went out the window. I also planned on having her naturally but after 28 hours of labor with her in OP position my hand was forced and I was put on pitocin. I ended up getting the epidural after 28 hours of non medicated labor because I was only 3cm dilated the entire time. Baby couldn't wait to have a bowel movement and had it twice so there was huge risk of meconium, she ran out of amniotic fluid, I had an infection because of it, she was stuck in OP position, and once I was put on pitocin she didn't react well to it. Every contraction after that her heart rate dropped dangerously low. Nurses kept coming in terrified and suggested a c section. At hour 34 I was finally 10cm ready to push and let me tell you, that was by far the easiest part. I pushed her out in 26mins and she couldn't have come out more perfectly. 
A'mei Luna welcome to the world.