trying to be sexy

Okay girls, so here's the thing. I'm 18, shy as fuck, and not really much of what you would call a sexy girlfriend. Growing up I lived in a strict Christian household. I was never allowed to wear makeup or have a boyfriend or really anything like that. So when I moved out I was pretty much figuring things out on my own. I have a boyfriend now have been dating him for 8 months. I would really like to be a lot more sexier for him tho. Like I can't even do my makeup that well. I mean I can do the basics but thts pretty much it. I would really like to start wearing cuter clothes, learn to do my makeup like 1000% better if I can, escpecially learning to do wings or cat eyes (whichever u call them:) and I would like to be more of a bad girl, (inside I'm a bad girl, I love the dirty talk and the bad boyfriend sort of stuff), but I am super super shy so it's hard. Does anyone have any advice? Send me some links for makeup tutorials tht u like or some cute fashion trends tht u really like just stuff to make me better. Thanks!