Letting fate decide???

So my husband and I accidentally became pregnant with our third in November of 2014, but I miscarried in January of 2015. At the time we both felt somewhat relieved (it's awful, I know) because we weren't at all in a position to afford another child financially and emotionally, especially since our youngest was having some health issues. So we decided that two was it for us. Since then, we've moved, gotten better jobs, and better managed our kiddo's health. So, then I got really, really sad, and couldn't let go of the idea of our third baby. But my husband was still feeling like he was done having kids. So we've compromised. I pulled my Nexplanon in Feb, and he's scheduled a vasectomy for August. If it happens between now and then, then we welcome our third baby. If not, at least it's settled. But now I'm feeling anxious, about either outcome really. But I'm so much happier than when we weren't even going to try. So I guess, wish me luck!