it's my birthday!

Alyssa • 26! 💚 Jan 9, 2016 💍 Feb 15, 2016👼🏼 March 25, 2017 👶🏻 May 4, 2019 👶🏻 February 20, 2021 👣
Today I am 40+1 weeks and it's my golden birthday, 23 on the 23rd. I had hoped to celebrate my birthday with my baby in my arms but I will just have to wait until next year to do that! 
As of Tuesday I was 2 cm dilated and it was just a matter of whenever my water broke or contractions became regular we would finally meet our little boy. If he does not come by Tuesday, I will be admitted Tuesday night to start the induction process. 
Since Tuesday I have lost a significant amount of my mucus plug, including some blood tinged, and have been in a significant amount more pain. Here's to hoping baby boy will make his arrival before Tuesday!