Friend dreamt I was preggo!

Em • 1 Samuel 1:27 | EDD 11.21.17 💚
So we just got our bfp and haven't told anyone about it because we're waiting until we have our first doctor's appointment next month. However, today out of the blue one of my really good friends texted me asking if I was pregnant 😳. She goes on to say how she had the strangest, yet most vivid dream that I was pregnant and that had she had to deliver my baby girl!!! She described the baby in great detail. I was so blown away that I went ahead and told her. Lol! How crazy is that? She didn't even know we were TTC and yet had a vivid dream that I was pregnant. If this baby turns out to be a girl, I'd reallllly be freaked out! Has anyone else had a similar experience? I'm fascinated.