Pumping problems.. HELP!!

Nia • Currently have an almost 2 year old, and newborn and 3 angel babies ❤❤❤💗💗
My daughter was a premie and the Dr asked me to pump or give formula only for the 1st month (her mouth was too little to latch and she was burning more calories trying to feed then she was getting so was rapidly loosing weight). It's been 2 weeks and I'm not sure if it's bc I recently got mastitis and have had a fever and sweating, but I've almost completely stopped producing milk... I've tried lacation teas, cookies, power pumping, pumping more frequently, fenugreek, hot compress, cold after on the affected breast and noting seems to work... when my milk came in I was pumping 3oz at a time (total) now I'm lucky if I get 1oz... Any other suggestions??? HELP!!