should I be worried?

Hi ladies, I'm at 8 weeks today (yay!!) but have some questions for anyone with answers or advice. I'm currently in Florida visiting family and enjoying some warm weather since Philly is freeeeezing. However, my nausea has went away. Not all the way away but enough for me to notice. When I was back home, every morning I would throw up (TMI) at least twice and feel nauseous all day but ever since I got here to FL I've been feeling better? No throwing up, just a little nausea in the morning and then nothing the rest of day. Is this normal? Do warmer climates effect pregnant women this way? I'm just worried something is wrong and my first appointment isn't until April 5th. I'm trying to enjoy the break from my sickness but it's causing me some concern. Anyone else ever experience this?? TY