
**kinda long, bear with me!**

my periods have ALWAYS been normal, always. I've had 3 kids, missed period with each & my period started regularly right after birthing them. a couple months ago I was bleeding extremely heavy & started my period way earlier than normal, bleeding thru a super tampon less than an hour, every hour & passing MASSIVE blood clots. went to the dr & tested positive for chlamydia. my boyfriend & I got antibiotics (don't know who had it first, just glad it's taken care of). now, last month my period went back to normal. lasted 5 days, normal bleeding. this month I started 4 days early, medium bleeding first day, heavy bleeding 2nd day with small blood clots, 3rd day light bleeding small blood clots, 4th day brown blood no clots. so period lasted shorter. (we both went back to drs for check ups & were cleared also). my question is, is this normal? or is there a chance I may be pregnant? I tested the day before I started my period & it was negative, haven't retested. just figured maybe this was a weird period? tia!