Help! 7w Sleep location...

PC • Mama to Cruz 💙 Kaia 💖 and Shaea to come 💗
So I'm getting anxiety bc I'm not sure what to do next - I don't want to screw myself with having a baby attached to me for years. 
I am ftm, have a 7 week old going through a major growth spurt at the moment (20 minute cat naps and cluster feeding ALL DAY.. cranky in between) and we bed share. I have every piece of baby machine aside from the dockatot- 
- halo bassinet 
- rock n play (2 - one that auto-rocks and one that doesn't)
- pack n play with sleeper
- mamaroo (not for sleeping but he naps sometimes)
- a co sleeper for the bed
- and his crib 
I have the rock n play, pack n play, halo bassinet and co sleeper in my room but he reFUSES to sleep in any of them even when napping. We must hold him 95% of the time for him to sleep during the day and he sleeps next to me at night. This is for sanity and ease of feeding as he is still waking 2-3 times at night to feed on normal (non-growth spurt weeks). I need to move him after this growth spurt phase is over - pack n play? HOW?! I've tried putting one of my shirts in with him (tightly as a sheet in a corner) but that doesn't do anything. 
When I have him in my arms and put him down anywhere he wakes up immediately. He may sit there for a bit as I'm hoping he self soothes but eventually ends up screaming. How do I fix this monster!!? I love his love and know he's still young but I don't want to get used to this being the way to sleep for naps and night. Yet he's way too young to sleep train. Heeelp